Decorating Tips for a Glow Party

October 04, 2024

Decorating for a birthday glow party is all about creating a vibrant, neon atmosphere that comes to life under black lights. It is a popular style of party for all ages, from elementary school age kids who will be mesmerized by the glowing lights, to sweet 16 dances, to milestone birthdays for people who grew up in the 80s!

First, you'll want to decide where to host the party. If you have it at a skate rink or a trampoline park, for example, you'll pay more for the venue than if you were to have it at your home, but you will pay less for decorations since the area you will be allowed to decorate will be smaller.

If you choose a skate rink or trampoline park, you will most likely want at least a personalized banner or cake topper to call attention to the birthday boy or girl. Both of these banner styles fluoresce under black light

girl in roller skates standing by a birthday banner that glows under black light


HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAPRI neon banner and circle dot neon garland glowing under UV reflective black light


A personalized skate cake topper is the perfect compliment to a roller rink party.

neon cake topper with age 8 and name Harper and roller skate for a glow skate party


Have you decided to host the party in your home, a school gym, or another rented venue? Start by covering at least some of the walls with black paper or black fabric. Add a bunch of glow-in-the-dark balloons to enhance the glow effect. Then add some UV reflective decor like these garlands which can be dangled from the ceiling vertically or strung across the walls horizontally.

50 neon circle garlands hung from a ceiling at a party venue glowing under UV reflective black light


Or use the circle garlands along with some of these star garlandsthis cake topper and matching banner, and some neon confetti to create this amazing backdrop for the food or gift table

backdrop for glow party food table with neon garlands, banner, confetti and cake topper glowing under black light


Some final tips:

1. Be sure to have a enough black lights to make sure all the decorated areas fluoresce and glow

2. Have a large supply of glow sticks on hand for guest to play with.

3. Consider getting neon body paint or UV-reactive face paint to add an interactive element to the party allowing guests to become part of the decor.

4. Place glow-in-the-dark decals or tape on the floors to guide guests and create unique patterns. 

5. Find food (Pinterest is a great place to look) that has UV reflective elements so even the food glows.


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